Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Advantages to Having a Live in Nurse for my Elderly Parents

Advantages to Having a Live in Nurse for Your Elderly Parents

As limitations that accompany the inevitable age-related degeneration that afflicts the elderly become increasingly apparent, our aging parents come to require assistance with their daily activities. Whether your parents have agreed to join your household or they insist on retaining the independence of remaining in their own home, it becomes advantageous to enlist the help of a live-in nurse. MCR RN jobs Los Angeles offer assistance in the daily care of your parents, which in turn relieves some of the burden from your already busy life as well as provide peace of mind for the entire family.

As mobility and other physical and/or psychological limitations prevent the aged from performing their basic daily care and maintenance activities, they need a compassionate helping hand. Between your own career, children and household responsibilities, you have very limited time. A live-in nurse can provide daily medical care, basic grooming, light home cleaning, feeding and companionship. Some live-in nurses may also offer to do any essential shopping, as well as assist with coordinating any necessary doctor’s appointments. Your elderly parent will reap the emotional benefits of having the company of another individual to communicate with, and the overall sense of independence that he or she will not experience living in a nursing facility. Your parent will not feel riddled with guilt over becoming a burden to you.

By enlisting the help of a live-in nurse, you are not obligated to drop by on a daily basis to take on the caregiving duties after a long day at work, feeling rushed because you know that you have your own household to take care of. The time that you would normally spend visiting your parent will now be enriched. Rather than spending most of your visit running around to take care of Mom or Dad, that time can be focused on reconnecting, chatting over a cup of tea, reminiscing through old photos, bonding with grandchildren and just enjoying one another’s company.

A live-in nurse will offer you the comfort of a supportive line of communication that enables you to keep tabs on Mom or Dad at any time; you will be alerted to any concerns and you will be reassured that your beloved parent is being looked after and taken care of. Live-in RN jobs Los Angeles provide advantages for parents and children alike, including a reassuring quality of life for your elderly parent.